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MaaS with Transit at its Heart 

The concept of “Mobility as a Service” or “MaaS” is central to the idea of change in transportation. Generally understood as a vision of mobility where travel happens through a combination of public, private and shared transportation modes, it remains an ambiguous term, originated from the private sector and often misunderstood, which complicates discussions about MaaS and its implementation.

Yet, understanding what MaaS truly stands for is very important for our cities and communities. It can mean the difference between effective MaaS projects that benefit the local community and those that only congest our already crowded cities and divert investment away from crucial public transit infrastructure initiatives.

Watch video to learn how we are "Getting you there. Smarter"

Thought Leadership

Mobility-as-a-Service: Coming to a City Near You Soon

Eno Transportation Weekly | February 2, 2018 
by Andy Taylor, Strategy Director 

What are the Benefits of Mobility as a Solution for Commuters?

Computer Business Review | May 31, 2018
by Andy Taylor, Strategy Director

10 Objectives for Assessing Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Meeting of the Minds | July 17, 2018 
by Matt Cole, President

Does Mobility as a Service hold the answer to the future of transport?

IT Pro Portal | April 23, 2018 
by Andy Taylor, Strategy Director